About us

Hello and welcome to Little Ratbag.  Our little family business.

Little Ratbag was founded in 2013 by Stuart who, inspired by the birth of his twins was searching for appropriate products with personality.  

Stuart was born with entrepreneurial spirit and when he couldn't find exactly what he wanted started to make his own in his conservatory.  Stuarts a hands on dad who's main goal in life is to make everyday magical for his girls, Natale (his wife), Georgina age 9, and Annabelle and Charlotte age 2. For his girls he took the step to leave his corporate job with the timely commute and work full time at home.  

Our Team

As the business grew (myself) Natalie and Janette were recruited to bring new skill sets gained from global marketing and retail experience along with an abundance of enthusiasm and passion.  Whilst we are totally committed we don't take ourselves too seriously and there is a of of laughter in our office.


Passion is at the heart of everything that we stand for.  We design and produce a range of baby vests, t-shirts and bibs for babies, toddlers and children. Each item is hand produced in house (we pride ourselves on our quick turn around), designed for cool kids, babies and their families, all our products are made with love and personalized to reflect the kids of the personality of the buyer.

Little Ratbag

The first question that we always get asked is where does the name come from.  It was inspired by our children who we admire and celebrate for their adorable, unique, crazy, individualism. 

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